How To Find Deals On Diapers

Diapers are an obvious necessity for any mother or mother-to-be. They can also be quite expensive, so finding the right deal on diapers can be really important for your monthly budget. Here are some of the best places to find deals on diapers.

Disposables – Amazon

Disposable diapers are most convenient and most popular go-to solution for parents everywhere. By far the best place to get deals on them is Amazon.

Amazon Prime members can save 20% on diapers when using the Subscribe & Save feature. Non-Prime members can still save 5%. The 20% savings plus free shipping is definitely worth the $100 annual subscription fee alone.

Cloth diapers – Cotton Booty

Cotton Booty is a cloth diaper “mystery box” subscription service. Every month they’ll send you at least one cloth diaper, possibly more. It can be a great way to build a stash and try different brands, finding out exactly which type you want to fill out your stash with.

Cloth diapers can seem expensive, but remember you only have to buy diapers once. You’ll probably spend a few hundred dollars when all is said and done, but you’ll spend at least that much a year on disposables anyway. And cloth diapers can last until potty training and even be reused for future little ones or sold off to recuperate some of your investment.

It is recommended to switch to Amazon to fill out your stash when you find a diaper you like, as Amazon makes it cheaper to bulk buy a single diaper brand.

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